Spirals: Practice

Main Assignments

Polar Coordinates
Archimedean Spiral
Logarithmic Spiral
Significance and Application
Work Cited

Polar Coordinates

Problem 1: Convert into Polar Coordinates (1,1).

$$ r=\sqrt2$$$$\theta = \frac{\pi}{4}$$

Problem 2: Convert into Polar Coordinates (3,-3).

$$ r=3*\sqrt2$$$$\theta = \frac{-\pi}{4}$$ or$$\frac{7\pi}{4}$$

Find r: $$r = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}
= \sqrt{3^2+(-3)^2} = \sqrt{9+9} = \sqrt{18}$$
Find θ: $$\theta = arctan(\frac{y}{x})
= arctan(\frac{-3}{3}) = arctan(-1)$$ $$tan(\frac{\pi}{4}) = 1$$ $$tan(-\frac{\pi}{4}) = -1 = tan(\frac{7\pi}{4})$$

Problem 3: Convert into Cartesian Coordinates (√(29),-0.38)

$$ x = 5$$$$y = -2$$
Find x: $$x = r*cos(\theta) = \sqrt{29}*cos(-0.38)$$ $$= \sqrt{29}*cos(0.38) = 5$$
Find y: $$x = r*sin(\theta) = \sqrt{29}*sin(-0.38) $$ $$= \sqrt{29}*-sin(0.38) = -2$$


Click the "New Equation" button and move the f, g, h sliders until you get the spiral that corresponds with the equation.
The spiral will turn green when you are right.

  1. When moving f, how does the spiral change?

  2. When moving g, how does the spiral change?

  3. When moving h, how does the spiral change?

  4. What part does each slider play in the equation above?

  5. Do this until you get all 4 spirals. What are they and how do they differ?

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