Mathematics is everywhere we look.
We find numbers, patterns, shapes, equations, relationships, and so on.
Imagine being in the twelfth century where advanced algorithms, patterns, and musical compositions don’t exist, and to compute basic arithmetic, your best tool is an abacus.
Picture yourself walking to town or riding a horse to get somewhere.
Figure 1: An Abacus
Now think about what around you is a form of mathematics.
Some mathematical objects might be hard to identify or explain the reasoning behind them because the terminology hasn’t been created yet.
Many theorems haven’t been proven or thought of before.
However, even in the twelfth century, the patterns, relationships, shapes, and all sorts of mathematics still encompass nature and the things surrounding you.
Take, for example, gravity, the downward force that is exerted on an object.
Before Isaac Newton discovered this relationship between objects and force, gravity still existed but it wasn’t defined.
This is the same principle with mathematics, but for us to understand mathematics, we must first be able to properly identify and define it.
The Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, and the golden spiral are all part of mathematics.
The relationship that makes them exist has always been present, however, we haven’t always been able to identify, define, or calculate them due to a lack of prior knowledge.
Today we have clear definitions and advanced representations that help us understand and apply the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio.