Applet Collections
Title Description
Math is Fun Calculus This applet focuses on calculus and gives interactive ways to learn calc starting at limits going all the way to differential equations.
Interactive Mathematics This collection provides a variety of applets that can be used in high school courses. Additionally, there are applets that just show cool properties of math in art and other topics.
Rossman/Chance applet collection This collection provides students with interactive applets focused on statistics and probability. There are also interactive applets for fun statistical problems that they can explore.
Shodor This applet collection has a large range of topics with all of the applets sorted by topic. It has high school material but goes up to some college-level mathematics as well. It is good if you know exactly what you are looking for.
Cool Math 4 Kids This website has a collection of games and interactive learning applets for basic math fluency - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This would be for anyone that wants to brush up on their basic skills so that they can have a solid foundation for higher-level math.
Title Description
Fractal Dimensions This applet is an interactive way for students to study Fractals and their dimensions. It helps them explore how they work and the connection to Chaos Theory.
Hilbert Curve Generator This applet is an interactive way for students to create different hilbert curves. You can input information for different lines and curves and it will generate them for you.
Lorenz System This applet is an interactive way for students to explore a Lorenz system. It is a way to understand dynamic systems and help them explore them more deeply.
Chaos Theory Introduction This Applet is an interactive introduction to chaos theory. It has some basic visuals and and simple questions and videos to help introduce some Chaos theory ideas. Only the introduction part works, not the other sections, but the introduction page is a good place to start for chaos theory.
Chaos in the Shift Map This applet allows students to change initial conditions and other parts of the shift map to explore their different effects. It's not a very "pretty" applet, but it is a good way to understand the basics with the initial conditions.

Assignment Applets

Y-intercept Applet

Slope Applet

Constructing the Witch of Agnesi

Sine Transformation Applet

Circle Applet

Parabola Applet

Ellipse Applet

Hyperbola Applet

Conic Sections in 3D Applet

Drag points A, B, and C to observe different conic sections (circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola)