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Geometry Applet Collections
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Interactivate Activities Interactivate contains a set of interactive materials for math and science education, specific for grades 3 through 12. This collection contains 48 different applets related to geometry as well as many other math topics like algebra and calculus. It also contains various statistical applets. The list can be sorted by subject or by audience (i.e. grades).
Math Open Reference This website has several applets organized by the category of Algebra 1, plane geometry, consturction, coordinate geoemtry, solid geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. It's mission is to provide "a free interactive math textbook on the web. Initially covering high-school geometry". The tool has a subject index which can be helpful for educators who know what content they want to focus on.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is an NSF supported project that began in 1999 to develop a library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis). of content. The collection is broken by topic and/or grade level.
OSU Models of Non-Euclidean Geoemtry This interactive textbook comes from Oregon State University. The goal of this book is to to provides an informal guide to many of the models of non-Euclidean geometry including finite geometries, the Poincaré Disk, the Klein Disk, and Minkowski space.
PhET Interactive Simulations PhET provides free, interactive, and research-based science and mathematics simulations. There are 50 results related to math in this collection and the website also allows for filtering by grade level. A specific geoemtry applet includes "quadrilateral" in which students determine the similarities and differences between quadrilaterals.
Sine of the Times This website provides interactive models of various K-12 math problems using Sketchpad. Puzzles and simulations cover elementary mathematics, geometry and geometric functions, advanced mathematics, and conic sections.
TedCoe Dr. Ted Coe created several applets for various math topics including algebra, geometry, calculus, and trignometry. Listed under geometry are 19 applets related to area, circles, Pythagoream theorem, and a variety of other concepts.
Applets For Understanding Taxicab Geometry
Title Description
Euclidean and Taxicab Distance This applet allows for exploring the differences between Euclidean and Taxicab distance. After manipulating points A and B the horizontal distance (AC) and vertical distance (BC) are given, making it easier to determine the relationship between the formula and calculations.
Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt is fun game like applet in which treasure is hidden at some coordinate. The objective is to find the treasure by guessing and adapting your guess after the compter tells you how far your guess is from the treasure. Through using the Taxicab method you narrow your search until the treasure is found!
Eqidistant Points of a Circle This applet's objective is to help students' understand the meaning of equidistant points of a circle. From the drop down that reads "Select from Gallery/Activities" choose option 3) Circle. Students can also play around with the construction mode such as adding line segements, intersection points, and circles.
Taxicab Circles In Taxicab geometry a circle is actually a square. This applet gives students the chance to explore different Taxicab circles by dragging points B and A around a coordinate plane. A radius of the circle is also shown, along with the length of the radius.
Measuring Distance and Angles With this applet an in depth exploration of the Taxicab circle can be achieved. The interactive module allows for quickly measuring distance and angles in this geometry.
Taxicab Geometry (Wolfram Demonstration Project) Taxicab geometry can encompasses other shapes. This demonstration allows you to explore the various shapes that circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas have when using Taxicab distance formula
Taxicab Geometry Applet Lessons
Title Description
TaxiCab Geometry (Desmos) Students are introduced to Taxicab geometry by completeing a set of 16 slides. Concepts like distance, Taxicab circles, and π are explored.
Taxicab Geometry (Geogebra) This book is designed to introduce Taxicab geometry to a high school classes. The book contains three chapters and has a series of 8 mini lessons. The chpaters are broken down as Chapter 1: Distance, Chapter 2: Taxicab Circles, and Chapter 3: Things Are Not What They Seem.
Taxicab Geometry (TI-84) This activity is done on a Texas Instrument calculator. Students discoverthe Taxicab distance formula. They then use the definition of radius to draw a taxicab circle and make comparisons between a circle in Euclidean geometry and a circle in taxicab geometry. Lastly, they construct taxicab perpendicular bisectors and discover that only certain pairs of points have taxicab perpendicular bisectors./td>