I was born and raised in North Logan, Utah. I am the middle child of five children.
I have a sister, Brittney, who's 8 years older than me, a brother, Brandon, who's 5 years older,
another brother, Justin, who's 4 years younger, then a little sister, Alena, who's 7 years younger.
I am the proud aunt to three nieces, and a sister-in-law twice. I love sports, especially volleyball
and golf, and I love the outdoors, cooking, photography and watching movies. I graduated from Sky View
High School in 2014 and enrolled in USU that fall. I started out in Dietetics for a year,
where I loved what I was learning, but did not like the job options that'd be available after
graduation. At the time, I was taking Calculus 1, even though in Dietetics the highest math
course required is Math 1050, and I love drafting and architecture, so I decided to change my
major to Civil Engineering. I spent a year and a half in Civil Engineering, and found out I like
math, but really hate physics. Once again, I needed a change. I had the opportunity to teach
a lesson in my church, and found I really liked teaching. Because of my love of math and enjoyment
of teaching, I switched my major, again, to Math Education and chose a Geography Teaching minor
because I absolutely love culture, learning about and visiting new places. So, after a long road I will
graduate with a BS in Mathematics Education and a Geography Teaching minor in the Fall of 2019.