
What is a prime number? What are the applications of prime numbers? What makes prime numbers different from other numbers? These are a few questions that will be answered in the contents of this website. Prime numbers have many uses in the real world and are very important in computer systems and cryptography. There are many theorems and conjectures related to prime numbers and the mystery behind the pattern to prime numbers.

A prime number is a number greater than 1, whose only divisors are 1 and itself. For example, 13 is prime because the only whole divisors of 13 are 1 and 13. Below is a table of prime numbers up to 100. Below is a table of prime numbers up to 100.

You may have noticed that the number 1 on the table is highlighted blue. Some might think that 1 is a prime number because it's whole divisors are 1 and itself. This is where the definition of prime numbers comes in. The definition of prime numbers states that numbers greater than one can only be considered prime.
