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Applet Collections

Title Description
Phet Simulations This has a collections of applets that students K-12 can use to dicover relationships between mathematic concepts.
Math Insight applets This sight includes applets for students to understand calculus ideas, like riemann sums. They also include applets for students to understand vector fields and their applications.
Trigonometry Applets These include applets for studetns to explore trigonometry identities and trig ratios in relation to the unit circle.
Trigonometry Identity AppletsThis website has a collection of applets that allow students to explore trig identities on the unkt circle.
Illumination appletsThis websites has applets that are there to help student understanding of mathematical ideas in algebra, geometry, statistics, and number theory.

Applets for Trig Identities

Sum of Cosine and Sine AppletThis applets has students walk through computations of sine and cosine to discover a relationship of the sum of cosine and sine.
Trig Identities from Unit CircleStudents can interact with the first applet listed to look at cosine and sine identities at different radians of the circle.
Sine and Cosine applet. This applet allows people to adjust the cosine and sine functions and see how they are mapped onto to the unit circle.
Trig Tour This simulation shows students the relationship between angle degrees on the unit circle and the construction of trig function graphs.
Trig Ratios This applets lets students understand trig ratios on a unit circle, which will help them derive trig identities.

Resources on Trig Identities
Deriving the Pythagorean Identities Video This video shows how to derive the pythagorean trig identities from the unit circle and the pythagorean theorem.
Summary of trigonometric identitiesArticle This article gives a quick summary of all the trig identities that are generally used in mathematics.
"Music of the Triangles"Article This articel describes why it is important for students to learn about trig identities and how trigonomentry impacts different bracnches of mathematics.
Proof of the double angle formulas Video This videos shows how we get the double angle trig idenetities in trig by using other basic trig identities.
Difficulties of learning trig identities Article This article talks about the misconceptions students face when trying to solve equations involving trig functions. They talk about how students miss the connection that trig equations are solved using trig identities.

Applet 1:Sine Function Transformation
  1. How does adjusting the A slider with out moving the B slider affect the function of sine in relation to F(x)?
  2. How does adjusting the B slider with out moving the A slider affect the function of sine in realtion to F(x)?
  3. What does A and B have to be to have a frequency of 2?

Applet 2: Trig Function Relationship

Sum of Cosine and Sine Applet
  1. Using the information given find the lengths of the rectangle in terms of Cosine and Sine. What is the equation for Cos(α + β)? Use the check box to check your answer. What is the equation for Sin(α + β)? Use the check box to check your answer.
  2. Using point H, make α greater than β. Explain what is happening to the triangles. Do our equations for cos(α + &bets;) and sin(α + β) change? Explain why or why not.
  3. Explain any relationships you see when looking at the triangles. How does this relate to the sum identities of Sine and Cosine?

Desmos Activity