
Golden Ratio in Nature

Not only in the golden ratio used in art, but it is found in nature as well. Even you a human being contain the golden ratio. Let's take a look at where it is found.

The heads of flowers most noticeably sunflowers use the golden ratio in a couple of ways. The seeds of the flower form in spiral patterns starting at the center. The number of spirals the flower contains is usually a number in the Fibonacci sequence. Here look at this pretty spiral.

Not only are Fibonacci numbers found in nature, but golden spirals are found in several naturally occurring objects such as nautilis shells, ear cochlea, and hurricanes. Take a look at some of these examples.


Spiral Galaxies

(Dvorsky 2013)

The golden ratio can also be found in the faces and bodies of humans. According to mathematics.knoji.com the golden ratio can be found in the following proportions:

1) Height and length between naval point and foot
2) Length between shoulder line and length of the head
3) Length between finger tip to elbow and length between wrist and elbow
4) Length between naval point to knee and length between knee and foot
5) Length of the face and width of the face
6) Length of mouth and width of nose
7) Width of nose and length between nostrils
8) Length between pupils and length between eyebrows

Some people have even gone to the extreme and used plastic surgery to creat the golden ratio in their faces. Check this article out. Plastic Surgery Article

To see more of Mother Nature's handiwork using the golden ratio check out the following site

(Obara 2000)